How To Write Engaging Content for People and Optimized for Google

It is a fact that off page SEO accounts for 80% of the total ranking factors. But what you do with your site influences that 80%, and can help tip the balance in your favor.

Modern SEO is all about creating content so compelling that other people want to promote it by linking to it or sharing it, which increases your trust and authority and helps the pages you want to rank well for certain keywords.

Below I have defined exactly what is content and what does it mean to optimize the content for search engine.

What is “Content”?

Content is the information and experiences directed toward an audience. It can be expressed through speech, writing or any other medium and delivered via different media, such as internet, websites, TV, books, magazines, speeches and conferences.

What is “SEO”?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through achieving higher ranking in organic search results.

What is “SEO Content Writing”?

SEO writing differs from normal content writing such as the content is always user-focused, first and foremost. So, when you write to the right people in the right way, your writing and content will climb higher in ranking and drive more traffic and leads.

Start Writing Content for Users & Google

This guide is more focused on app reviews but can be applied to any content type.

First, let’s decide the intentions for our Content

  1. Better Search Engine Ranking
  2. Huge & Quality Search Traffic
  3. Search Algorithm Update Proof
  4. User Retention & Engagement

Elements of Content

  1. Title
  2. Sub Title / Excerpt
  3. Description / Intro
  4. Content / Review


App post title simply consist of app name e.g. Opera

Article post title consist of a phrase most used by users for a problem / solution with the target keyword in the beginning. Post slug is the target keyword.

Sub Title / Excerpt

Sub-title is a one line text, describing what the App is Best For or its Intended Use. Text may include the category keyword.

Description / Intro

Description text contains more or less 50 words. It has 3 properties:

  1. Keyword rich sentences with correct grammar
  2. Beautiful, intuitive, creative, compelling language
  3. Clearly explained the positives + and negatives –

Content / Review

The content copy contains more or less 600 words. Content has additional 4 properties:

  1. Relatable – How it is relevant to your user or not?
  2. Honest – What you write is real and trustworthy.
  3. Informative – It provides helpful information.
  4. Easy to read – It is clear and easy to follow.

Whether you’re writing a review or a general blog post, every piece of content should have a basic structure. With strong writing skills, structure comes naturally.


Introduction can be more than one paragraph. The rules of description also applies here.

  • Introduce the product/problem/solution
  • Discuss the claims it makes
  • Talk about its target users/problems
  • Mention any interesting details that readers should know

For app posts, the app description will be used as an introduction.

The Main Information

Talk about all those aforementioned claims; here is where you either sing its praises, rip it to shreds, or just shrug indifferently. you can use heading and paragraph for each topic, highlighting the key phrases.

  • Your impression and how it changed (or didn’t)
  • Talk about any stand-out features
  • Mention anything that’s disappointing
  • Who will it actually benefit? Bridge features with benefits
  • Is it high-quality/user-friendly/worth the price?
  • Are there any alternative products out there?


  • Summarize your main points
  • Give your concluding thoughts

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